Moksha is a Sanskrit word meaning “liberation”. It describes a condition of the individual person that has eliminated or transcended all the unwanted aspects of human life such as ignorance, pain, and suffering. Another description of moksha is that the individual has ceased to identify himself with his body, with the contents of his mind, such as his life story, his race, creed, name, fame, and all other mistaken identities; in this sort of dis-identification the individual enjoys the absence of all the attachments and aversions associated with the identified ego-notion and experiences a true liberation from such things. Yet, this moksha is not experienced by any identified and separate ego entity. Ego is not an entity, ego is only a mistaken notion constructed on the absurd idea that subjective noumenon could be a separate objective phenomenon. A mistaken identity cannot enjoy liberation from itself because there is no self to it. But noumenal essence does enjoy the bliss, the ananda that emerges when the false view of ego is no longer present.